Lulu's blog

Lulu's blog

  1. Learn C programming
  2. Lesson 1.1. History of C programming language
  3. Lesson 1.2. First program
  4. Lesson 1.3. Compilation
  5. Lesson 1.4. Preprocessor directives
  6. Lesson 1.5. Which compiler to choose?
  7. Lesson 1.6. Flowchart
  8. Lesson 2.1. Types and variables
  9. Lesson 2.2. Integers
  10. Lesson 2.3. Floating point numbers
  11. Lesson 2.4. Characters
  12. Lesson 2.5. Variables initialization
  13. Lesson 2.6. Ariane flight 501
  14. Lesson 3.1. Arithmetic operators
  15. Lesson 3.2. modulo
  16. Lesson 3.3. Operators and types
  17. Lesson 3.4. Type casting
  18. Lesson 3.5. Bitwise operators
  19. Lesson 3.6. Bitwise operators details
  20. Lesson 3.7. Shifting operators
  21. Lesson 3.8. Assignment operators
  22. Lesson 3.9. Increment and decrement operators
  23. Lesson 3.10. Comparison operators
  24. Lesson 3.11. Logical operators
  25. Lesson 3.12. Operator precedence
  26. Lesson 4.1. printf
  27. Lesson 4.2. scanf
  28. Lesson 4.3. putchar
  29. Lesson 5.1. Conditional branching (if...else)
  30. Lesson 5.2. Nested if and indentation
  31. Lesson 5.3. Checking intervals
  32. Lesson 5.4. Ternary Operator ?:
  33. Lesson 5.5. statement
  34. Lesson 5.6. Break keyword in
  35. Lesson 6.1. do..while loop in C
  36. Lesson 6.2. While loop in C
  37. Lesson 6.3. For loop in C
  38. Lesson 6.4. How to choose the right loop in C ?
  39. Lesson 6.5. Exercices on loops in C
  40. Lesson 7.1. Bit masking
  41. Lesson 7.2. Bit masking, how to clear a bit in C?
  42. Lesson 7.3. Bit masking, how to set a bit in C?
  43. Lesson 7.4. Bit masking, how to toggle a bit in C?
  44. Lesson 7.5. Bit masking, how to check a single bit in C?
  45. Lesson 7.6. Overview of bit masking
  46. Lesson 8.1. Basic syntax of C functions
  47. Lesson 8.2. Calling C functions
  48. Lesson 8.3. Void keyword
  49. Lesson 8.4. Return keyword
  50. Lesson 8.5. Variable scope
  51. Lesson 8.6. Global variables
  52. Lesson 8.7. Static variables
  53. Lesson 8.8. Random numbers in C
  54. Lesson 8.9. Mathematical functions in C
  55. Lesson 9.1. Syntax of C arrays
  56. Lesson 9.2. Array initialization
  57. Lesson 9.3. Multidimensional arrays
  58. Lesson 9.4. How C arrays are stored in memory?
  59. Lesson 9.5. Arrays and functions
  60. Lesson 9.6. Exercises on C arrays
  61. Lesson 10.1. Strings in C
  62. Lesson 10.2. Null terminated string
  63. Lesson 10.3. The string.h library
  64. Lesson 10.4. String and functions
  65. Lesson 11.1. Introduction to pointers in C
  66. Lesson 11.2. Syntax of C pointers
  67. Lesson 11.3. Dynamic memory allocation
  68. Lesson 11.4. Incrementing pointers
  69. Lesson 11.5. Pointers as function argument in C
  70. Lesson 12.1. Introduction to structures in C
  71. Lesson 12.2. Properties of structures in C
  72. Lesson 12.3. Structures and pointers
  73. Lesson 12.4. Structures and functions
  74. Lesson 13.1. Recursive functions in C
  75. Lesson 13.2. Depth of recursive functions
  76. Lesson 13.2. Mutual recursion
  77. Lesson 14.1. Additional exercises
  1. Web development class
  2. Lesson 1.1. History of the Internet
  3. Lesson 1.2 Introduction to HTML
  4. Lesson 1.3. Special characters in HTML
  5. Lesson 1.4. Comments in HTML
  6. Lesson 1.5. Global structure of HTML pages
  7. Lesson 1.6. Hyperlinks in HTML
  8. Lesson 1.7. ID attribute in HTML tags
  9. Lesson 1.8. HTML anchors
  10. Lesson 1.9. Images in HTML pages
  11. Lesson 1.10. HTML tables
  12. Lesson 1.11. Most used HTML tags
  13. Lesson 1.12. Some advice
  14. Lesson 1.13. Ressources
  15. Lesson 2.1. Introduction to CSS
  16. Lesson 2.2. Inline CSS
  17. Lesson 2.3. Internal CSS
  18. Lesson 2.4. External CSS
  19. Lesson 2.5. CSS selectors
  20. Lesson 2.6. CSS colors
  21. Lesson 2.7. Margin and padding
  22. Lesson 2.8. CSS units
  23. Lesson 2.9. Most used CSS properties
  24. Lesson 3.1. History of JavaScript
  25. Lesson 3.2. JavaScript Hello World
  26. Lesson 3.3. Console.log
  27. Lesson 3.4. Comments in JavaScript
  28. Lesson 3.5. Variables in JavaScript
  29. Lesson 3.6. JavaScript events
  30. Lesson 3.7. Document Object Model (DOM)
  31. Lesson 3.8. Changing HTML
  32. Lesson 3.8. JavaScript frameworks
  33. Lesson 4.1. Introduction to PHP
  34. Lesson 4.2. PHP tags
  35. Lesson 4.3. PHP variables
  36. Lesson 4.4. isset vs empty vs is_null
  37. Lesson 4.5. PHP operators
  38. Lesson 4.6. PHP quotes
  39. Lesson 4.7. Tests in PHP: if .. else
  40. Lesson 4.8. PHP arrays
  41. Lesson 4.9. PHP loops
  42. Lesson 4.10. PHP sessions
  43. Lesson 5.1. HTML forms
  44. Lesson 5.2. HTML forms, POST or GET?
  45. Lesson 5.3. Input fields
  46. Lesson 5.4. HTML form fields
  47. Lesson 6.1. Introduction to MySQL
  48. Lesson 6.2. phpMyAdmin
  49. Lesson 6.3. SQL queries
  50. Lesson 6.4. Connect to MySQL in PHP
  51. Lesson 6.5. SQL queries in PHP
  52. Lesson 6.6. Getting data from MySQL in PHP
  53. Lesson 6.7. Get last ID