Lesson 5.1. Conditional branching (if...else)

The if...else instruction executes a block of instructions depending on the result of a test:

If the weather is nice, I'll go for a run, otherwise I'll work on my C class.

Flowchart of the if...else statement


Here is the syntax of the if...else statement:

if (test) {
  // Instruction block 1
else {
  // Instruction block 2

The first block of instructions will only be executed if the test is true.

It should be noted that:

Example 1

This example displays two different messages depending on whether A is larger than B or not:

if (A>B) {
  printf ("A is greater than B\n");
else {
  printf ("A is smaller than or equal to B\n");

Example 2

In the previous example, each instruction block contains only one statement. The code can be simplified by omitting the braces:

if (A>B) 
  printf ("A is greater than B\n");
  printf ("A is smaller than or equal to B\n");

Example 3

This example illustrates the optional nature of the else {} :

// Compare A and B
if (A>B) printf ("A is greater than B\n");
if (A<B) printf ("est plus petit que\n");
if (A==B) printf ("A is equal to B\n");
The comparison operator is the double equal ==. Do not confuse it with the assignment operator =.


Exercise 1

Write a program that asks the user to enter his or her grade point average.

Enter your grade point average: 10.0
Congratulations! You graduated.

Exercise 2

Write a program that asks the user to enter a number between 0 and 9 included. The program then displays the number in words. We will assume that the user enters a valid number (there is no need to check the input):

Enter a number [0;9]: 4
4 is written four

Exercise 3

Write a program that asks the user to enter two integers (x1 and x2). If x1 is not smaller than x2, the contents of the variables are swapped. At the time of display, x1 must always be smaller than x2 :

Enter the first integer: 5
Enter the second integer: 3
x1=3    x2=5
Enter the first integer: 3
Enter the second integer: 5
x1=3    x2=5


What does the following code display?

if (4<2)
  printf ("Crac");
  printf ("Boum");
Check Bravo! The test is false, we execute the code in the else. Try again...

When can you omit the curly braces?

Check Bravo! If there is only one instruction in the block, the curly braces can be omitted. Try again...

What does the following code display?

if (0)
  printf ("Crac");
  printf ("Boum");
Check Bravo! There are no curly braces, so there is only one instruction in the if. This kind of presentation should be avoided. Try again...

What does the following code display?

if (0)
  printf ("Crac"); printf ("Boum");
Check Bravo! There are no curly braces, so there is only one instruction in the if. This kind of presentation should be avoided. Try again...

What does the following code display?

if (0);
  printf ("Crac"); 
printf ("Boum");
Check Bravo! Do not put a semicolon at the end of the if (after the test)! Try again...

When can the test parentheses be omitted?

Check Bravo! The parentheses around the test are mandatory. Try again...

See also

Last update : 11/22/2022