List of the 100 most common passwords


This page presents the 100 most common passwords. This list is built from lists of passwords that have been publicly disclosed as a result of hacks or security breaches. You can also download the 1,000 / 10,000 / 100,000 / 1,000,000 most common passwords.

You can download the list of passwords in one of the file formats below:

You can load the file in one of the following languages:

Password list

  1. 123456
  2. password
  3. 12345678
  4. qwerty
  5. 123456789
  6. 12345
  7. 1234
  8. 111111
  9. 1234567
  10. dragon
  11. 123123
  12. baseball
  13. abc123
  14. football
  15. monkey
  16. letmein
  17. 696969
  18. shadow
  19. master
  20. 666666
  21. qwertyuiop
  22. 123321
  23. mustang
  24. 1234567890
  25. michael
  26. 654321
  27. pussy
  28. superman
  29. 1qaz2wsx
  30. 7777777
  31. fuckyou
  32. 121212
  33. 000000
  34. qazwsx
  35. 123qwe
  36. killer
  37. trustno1
  38. jordan
  39. jennifer
  40. zxcvbnm
  41. asdfgh
  42. hunter
  43. buster
  44. soccer
  45. harley
  46. batman
  47. andrew
  48. tigger
  49. sunshine
  50. iloveyou
  51. fuckme
  52. 2000
  53. charlie
  54. robert
  55. thomas
  56. hockey
  57. ranger
  58. daniel
  59. starwars
  60. klaster
  61. 112233
  62. george
  63. asshole
  64. computer
  65. michelle
  66. jessica
  67. pepper
  68. 1111
  69. zxcvbn
  70. 555555
  71. 11111111
  72. 131313
  73. freedom
  74. 777777
  75. pass
  76. fuck
  77. maggie
  78. 159753
  79. aaaaaa
  80. ginger
  81. princess
  82. joshua
  83. cheese
  84. amanda
  85. summer
  86. love
  87. ashley
  88. 6969
  89. nicole
  90. chelsea
  91. biteme
  92. matthew
  93. access
  94. yankees
  95. 987654321
  96. dallas
  97. austin
  98. thunder
  99. taylor
  100. matrix

See also

Last update : 12/29/2022