List of the 10,000 most common passwords
This page presents the 10,000 most common passwords.
This list is built from lists of passwords that have been publicly disclosed as a result of hacks or security breaches.
You can also download the
100 /
1,000 /
100,000 /
most common passwords.
- The longest password is 16 characters long:
- The shortest password is 3 characters long:
You can download the list of passwords in one of the file formats below:
You can load the file in one of the following languages:
Password list
- 123456
- password
- 12345678
- qwerty
- 123456789
- 12345
- 1234
- 111111
- 1234567
- dragon
- 123123
- baseball
- abc123
- football
- monkey
- letmein
- 696969
- shadow
- master
- 666666
- qwertyuiop
- 123321
- mustang
- 1234567890
- michael
- 654321
- pussy
- superman
- 1qaz2wsx
- 7777777
- fuckyou
- 121212
- 000000
- qazwsx
- 123qwe
- killer
- trustno1
- jordan
- jennifer
- zxcvbnm
- asdfgh
- hunter
- buster
- soccer
- harley
- batman
- andrew
- tigger
- sunshine
- iloveyou
- fuckme
- 2000
- charlie
- robert
- thomas
- hockey
- ranger
- daniel
- starwars
- klaster
- 112233
- george
- asshole
- computer
- michelle
- jessica
- pepper
- 1111
- zxcvbn
- 555555
- 11111111
- 131313
- freedom
- 777777
- pass
- fuck
- maggie
- 159753
- aaaaaa
- ginger
- princess
- joshua
- cheese
- amanda
- summer
- love
- ashley
- 6969
- nicole
- chelsea
- biteme
- matthew
- access
- yankees
- 987654321
- dallas
- austin
- thunder
- taylor
See also
Last update : 12/29/2022