Convert revolutions per second [rps] to radians per second [rad/s] and vice-versa

Online converter

Convert any value from / to revolutions per second [rps] to radians per second [rad/s]. Fill one of the following fields, values will be converted and updated automatically.

radians per second [rad/s]
revolutions per second [rps]



\( rps \) stands for revolutions per second. The aim is to convert \(N\) (expressed in \(rps\)) to \( \omega \) (expressed in \( rad.s^{-1} \)). As one revolution is equal to \( 2\pi \) radians, the conversion can be done thanks to the following formula:

$$ \omega_{ (rad.s^{-1}) } = {2\pi}.N_{(rps)} $$

and vice-versa:

$$ N_{(rps)} = \frac {1}{2\pi}.\omega_{(rad.s^{-1})} $$

See also

Last update : 11/23/2021