Cette page est un exemple de minisation de fonction avec la fonction Matlab fminsearch
Cet exemple est composé de trois fichiers :
, qui est la fonction à optimiser ;outfun
qui est appelée à chaque itération de l'optimisation.%% Optimization example
% This file is the main script
% Written by Philippe Lucidarme
% https://www.lucidar.me/en/matlab/matlab-optimization-function-minimization-example/
close all;
clear all;
%% Display the function fct
X=[-4:0.1:4]; %% The X-axis goes from the value of -5 to +5 with a step of 0.1 (100 points)
Y=[-4:0.1:4]; %% like the X-axis
[wx,wy]=meshgrid(X,Y); %% see [MATLAB documentation][1]
% Compute each point of the mesh
for i=1:size(X,2)
for j=1:size(Y,2)
%Z=100.*(wy - wx.^2).^2 + (1 - wx).^2;
% Display curb
fig=surf(wx,wy,Z); %% make a surface plot with lighting
shading interp; %% optional, try to remove it.
% hsv - Hue-saturation-value color map.
% hot - Black-red-yellow-white color map.
% gray - Linear gray-scale color map.
% bone - Gray-scale with tinge of blue color map.
% copper - Linear copper-tone color map.
% pink - Pastel shades of pink color map.
% white - All white color map.
% flag - Alternating red, white, blue, and black color map.
% lines - Color map with the line colors.
% colorcube - Enhanced color-cube color map.
% vga - Windows colormap for 16 colors.
% jet - Variant of HSV.
% prism - Prism color map.
% cool - Shades of cyan and magenta color map.
% autumn - Shades of red and yellow color map.
% spring - Shades of magenta and yellow color map.
% winter - Shades of blue and green color map.
% summer - Shades of green and yellow color map.
colormap cool; %% here you decide the colormap: hot is the one going from white to red
hold on;
xlabel ('x');
ylabel ('y');
title ('Optimization');
%% Optimization
% Initial point for optimization
x0 = [0,0];
% Set parameters
% optimplotfval, display the function evaluation
% iter, display algorithm status a each interation
% Call outfun at each iteration (for display)
options = optimset('PlotFcns',@optimplotfval,'Display','iter','OutputFcn', @outfun);
% Optimization algorithm
[x,FVAL,EXITFLAG,OUTPUT] = fminsearch(@fct,x0,options);
%% Display results
plot3 (x(1),x(2),fct(x),'or','MarkerSize',10,'LineWidth',5);
Vous pouvez décommenter les fonctions alternatives ou écrire votre propre fonction.
function y = fct( x )
% fct function to minimize
% x = [x,y] input vector
% y = function output (scalar)
% Written by Philippe Lucidarme
% http://www.lucidarme.me
% Rosenbrock's function
%y = 100*(x(2) - x(1)^2)^2 + (1 - x(1))^2;
%y = (x(1)-4).^2 .* (x(2)-1.2).^2;
y = sinc(x(1)).*sinc(0.3*x(2));
Cette fonction est appelée à chaque itération. Ici, elle affiche les points de recherche sur la figure.
function stop = outfun(x, optimValues, state)
% fct this function is called at each step of the optimization process
% x : the point computed by the algorithm at the current iteration.
% optimValues : is a structure containing data from the current iteration.
% state : current state of the algorithm.
% Written by Philippe Lucidarme
% http://www.lucidarme.me
figure (1);
plot3 (x(1),x(2),optimValues.fval,'.k','MarkerSize',10);