Lesson 5.6. Break keyword in switch..case

In the previous lesson on the switch..case, you probably noticed that each case case ends with a break statement. This statement ends the execution of the case and exits the the switch statement.

When the break is omitted, all cases are executed (even if the test is false) until :


Consider the following example where the developer forgot to put the break:

switch (code) {
  case 1 : printf ("Canada");
  case 32 : printf ("Belgium");
  case 33 : printf ("France");
  case 41 : printf ("Switzerland");
  default : printf ("Unrecognized code");


Exercise 1

Modify the code of the previous exercise so that it can convert upper and lower case characters. Be smart and use the concepts of this course.

// Character to convert
char hex = 'B';
// Result in base 10
short dec;

// Convert hex to decimal (base 10)
switch (hex) {
  case '0': dec=0; break;
  case '1': dec=1; break;
  case '2': dec=2; break;
  case '3': dec=3; break;
  case '4': dec=4; break;
  case '5': dec=5; break;
  case '6': dec=6; break;
  case '7': dec=7; break;
  case '8': dec=8; break;
  case '9': dec=9; break;
  case 'A': dec=10; break;
  case 'B': dec=11; break;
  case 'C': dec=12; break;
  case 'D': dec=13; break;
  case 'E': dec=14; break;
  case 'F': dec=15; break;
  default : dec = -1;

// Display the conversion result
if (dec==-1) printf ("Non valid hexadecimal number\n");
else printf ("0x%c = %d in decimal\n", hex, dec);

Here is the expected display for char hex = 'f'; :

0xf = 15 in decimal

Exercise 2

Using a switch..case, write a program that displays whether the letter variable is a consonant or a vowel. We will assume that the variable letter can only contain a lowercase letter and nothing else. The rule is as follows (according to the answer of the French Academy):

char letter = 'o';

// Displays whether the letter is a vowel or a (semi)consonant

Here is the expected display for char letter = 'o';

o is a vowel

Here is the expected display for char letter = 'z';

z is a consonant

Here is the expected display for char letter = 'y';

y is a semi-consonant
y is a vowel


What does the following code display?

int x = 0;
switch (x) {
    case 0: printf ("Bonjour");
    case 1: printf ("Hola"); 
    case 2: printf ("Konnichiwa"); 
    default : printf ("Hello");
Check Bravo! Without break, all cases are executed, even if they are false. Try again...

What does the following code display?

int x = 0;
switch (x) {
    case 0: printf ("Bonjour");
    case 1: printf ("Hola"); break;
    case 2: printf ("Konnichiwa"); 
    default : printf ("Hello");
Check Bravo! At the first break, the switch is terminated. Try again...

Which statements are true?

Check Bravo! Without break, we can mutualize several cases, which can be interesting in terms of performance or code clarity. Try again...

See also

Last update : 10/04/2023